​5th Premise: It is possible to manifest Heaven-on-Earth, as we are the architects of our Reality.

Great E-Scape (no available picture)
Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery, Escondido, CA
Toy Store Small Scale Exhibition, 
3rd Place
​June 8 - July 6, 2012

One of the common features for me with my "Great E-Scape" series is that the nostalgic quality captured in a "snow globe" or something that holds trinkets, maybe some rocks and shells, actually doesn't just work to connect the observer to a past time (a happier time?), but it actually serves to project the observer into a place that is separate, apart, a world of one's own, a safe place that is sacred (as opposed to scared), all very much in line with what I've come to understand as important for me in having survived past abuse, by creating my "great escapes" through these little "alter-worlds" or "altars."  It took me a long time to see all the connections, and it wasn't until last year (2016), when I began collecting my favorite childhood books, including picture books, that I could see all of them hold the similar theme of always escaping one sorry existence by entering a secret world, or simply finding a better place where Love exists.  Of course, traditional fairy tales are generally about abuse victims and how to survive them or escape them.  Is it no wonder that classic children's favorites like The Wizard of Oz series, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, or The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Narnia!) all present great escapes?  Even The Secret Garden offers a type of Paradise (re-discovered), any place that's better than here, and in the tradition of the revised fairy tale, there's always a "happily ever after."  Of course, the genuine stories don't always have that victorious ending and the original fairy tales didn't always end well.

Once upon a time...

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