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Survey on Mythos
Syllabus & Assignments, including weekly handouts, front and back (with only Seamus Heaney's poem "Alphabets," from The Haw Lantern, omitted--originally included as back to week 3 of the 8 week course taught at The Philosophical Library in Escondido, CA, October 19 - December 7, 2012.
I will forever be grateful to the Escondido Philosophical Library for having given me the opportunity to teach a course based on my research for one of my incomplete MA projects, something that I have been passionate about since the inception of the project back in 1996. To Alan Galacia, who gave me the chance to present my survey course, who was one of my steadfast students, and who even video taped the majority of the classes for me, from the bottom of my heart, I am grateful.
I was sorry to read that the Library has been forced to move from its home and is currently looking for a new space, while the contents of the fabulous library remain in storage. What a sad loss for those who at least had access! May the Library find its new digs, soon!!