THANK YOU for visiting Rêve-Amp'T.
This Site is Work-in-Progress and I will continue to develop it, adding images, missing links, and  sales pages for items that are for sale. So please do check back from time to time and thank you for visiting. New work to be added, as well.  Be well.


This is my Betsy Ross Dress, Apron, and Cap, created 2018. The Apron was made from a rescued embroidered chair cover that was torn and trashed, which I embellished with miscellaneous saved and rescued satin ribbons and other repurposed trim materials.

The Dress was made from a set of Queen sheets--I had liked the fabric, but it was no good for for sleeping. Originally, I knew I'd use the material for a period dress, but I hadn't imagined Betsy! Would you believe the skirt was made from the entire top sheet? As such, there is an extra huge hem, so it can be adjusted for height or, with its deep pockets, be used for storing lipstick, tissue, or cobwebbing, as I thought I might want with me

(it was Halloween:).

The cap is also from discarded bedding, a pillow covering.

I love designing and making patterns and I was very excited to see that my sleeve was right in time for the trending style.